
Saturday Acoustic Excellence: Julien Régnier-Krief - Ratmott Part 1

goddamnedfrank6/25/2016 3:58:30 pm PDT

re: #369 Anymouse

Even if Senator Sanders does not give up, he will lose on the first ballot. Secretary Clinton has the most votes, the most states, the most delegates (even without the super delegates).

A floor flight is meaningless at this point. He is free of course to go to that vote, but he will lose. The Democratic Party has given Mr. Sanders far more than they had to, in consideration of the large number of votes and delegate he did get. However, the party is not required to roll over for him when he lost the primary election.

I supported Sanders (I am in for Mrs. Clinton now), but at this point it doesn’t even seem like it is about him; it is almost as if someone (or a group) is pushing him to this position. He knows Donald Trump would be an utter disaster, he said so himself. I really don’t know what is going on here.

No, sorry but it’s him. There have been several stories that detail how the hardline toxicity all comes directly from Sanders himself. He rewrote a much softer campaign response regarding the Nevada Convention quasi-riot into the much harsher statement that blamed the DNC, even though his own staffers had whipped up the frenzy with lies. He’s reportedly never been a gracious loser and it was probably foolish of us to expect him to become one now, especially after bathing in so much adulation and rockstar rally applause. He had some good ideas, but he’s also a very cranky old man with little capacity for compromise or pragmatism, and having delayed reconciliation this long it seems almost certain that he’s going to go down ugly.

Just look at yesterday, his supporters and campaign just straight up lied about the $15 min wage being voted down in the Dem Platform committee, when in fact no such event occurred and the $15 wage is officially part of the platform. They’re trying to invent reasons to revolt.