
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Not Interested in Food, Just Violence

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)8/03/2022 7:07:59 am PDT

Neal Stephenson’s 2019 novel _Fall; or, Dodge in Hell_ has as a sort of aside in a few chapters one of the characters traveling across the central USA. And in his future the area has descended into a sort of libertarian anarchy* zone while the coastal zones continue high tech development, computer applications, and on into things such as post-death uploading which is the main thrust of the novel.

* - You hire heavily armed escorts to go anywhere off the main transit routes. There are patchwork “states” that appear to be religious fanatics or what are essentially feudal warlords.

A future I don’t particularly wish to see implemented since while someone from the tech side can pretty much opt to go and attempt to join one of the inland groups I suspect the reverse will not work out well and thus a lot of people will be trapped in societies that are pretty much guaranteed to not have their well-being as any sort of priority.