
Video: Political Sheep from Hell

cliffster2/04/2010 2:04:53 pm PST

re: #391 torrentprime

I agree the conservadems Senate plan is pretty much that; the House plan not so much.

If I haven’t yet realized it yet? Why do you think I changed to blue voting and donations two cycles ago? I got tired of donating to the GOP congressional campaigns watching indoor greenhouses in GOP districts get funding while our roads, bridges, and airports fell apart.

The democrats are even worse than the GOP when it comes to lining their buddies’ pockets. See - Wall Street and Campaign Contributions. And, then they stand before us and talk about Republicans screwing Main Street and helping out Wall Street. Nice work if you can get it. But let’s not get into a pissing match about which party is more apt to take your hard-earned money and use it for their own winning-of-friends and influencing-of-people.