
Overnight Open Thread

Aceofwhat?5/11/2010 8:50:14 am PDT

re: #399 Slap

I’m good with all of that. I’ll stress the point in your post about “in recent history”.

While i join you in your desire for continued vigilance, i strongly believe that it can be tempting to strive for vigilance and identification of potential future threats at the expense of loud, vigorous, and impassioned opposition to the current threat.

We should pause at the altar of vigilance, maintain a high level of tolerance, and then giddy-up down the road to outright opposition of the current monster in the room.

On occasion, i believe that we make the mistake of pausing to acknowledge the monster and then mount up to go fight for vigilance. It doesn’t happen only in this, fundamentalist religion example - the Right is currently guilty of being overvigilant about “SOCIALISM!!11!” and paying little attention to the deficit monster which threatens to devour us in cold, bipartisan fashion…