
Limbaugh: "The Pope Is Ripping America... Obama's Having an Orgasm"

Rightwingconspirator12/05/2013 8:47:03 am PST

Watch out where you plug in your electric/plug in hybrid car. You could be charged with theft.

A Georgia man was lead out of his house in handcuffs for the absolutely heinous crime of plugging his EV in without asking permission. The reprehensible reprobate absconded with an entire nickel’s worth of juice.

Authorities charged Kaveh Kamooneh with theft after he (allegedly) charged his Nissan Leaf for about 20 minutes while watching his son’s tennis practice.

According to reports, a police officer responded to a complaint that a vehicle parked outside Chamblee Middle School was plugged into an outlet. Kamooneh said he noticed the police officer milling around his car and wandered over to see what the problem was.
“A theft is a theft,” police Sgt. Ernesto Ford told Atlanta’s Channel 11 News.

Imagine if they did that to all of us who plug in our devices out and about? Are we all thiefs ?