
Overnight Short Documentary: Portrait of My Grandfather: 80 and Still Cycling

wrenchwench5/19/2014 10:28:58 am PDT

The dudebro attitude about helmets has got to be one of the dudebroyest positions there is:

Fewer people ride when helmets are mandated, and when fewer people ride, it’s more dangerous for ME to ride because of the safety-in-numbers factor.

Never mind that the dudebro’s safety comes at the cost of endangering newbie cyclists by encouraging them to ride helmetless.

It’s actually the same argument used to promote bike lanes.

Teh number one reason non-cyclists give for not riding is that they don’t feel safe. Let’s make them feel safe by painting stripes on the road and telling them they are safer there! Then I’ll be safer because there will be lots of newbs out there and drivers will be watching more!

Again, the dudebro’s safety comes at the expense of the newbs being used as the traffic equivalent of cannon fodder.

I have even seen the argument, in mainstream Bicycling Magazine, no less, that colorful lycra outfits are to be abandoned because they discourage newbs from taking up the sport.

BTW, the number one difference between cyclists who have accidents and those who don’t is experience.