
Tonight in Ferguson, Missouri

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)8/12/2014 8:36:40 am PDT

You know, it’s easy to just dismiss it as a selfish act. I’ll open up here. I have anxiety. I have days where I feel on top of the world and that I can do anything. I have other days where I feel completely useless. I have also on one occasion attempted to kill myself. It’s easy to just tell someone to shrug it off or if it’s someones words that effect you that “it’s just words.” I think for me the key to beating my depression and anxiety issues has been losing all the weight that I have. But it’s not gone. There are still many a restless night where I find myself haunted. Haunted often by the pasts and the regrets that come with thinking about past failures and past things that were not done.