
Seth Meyers: Trump Is Having an Impeachment Meltdown

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)10/03/2019 11:08:56 am PDT

From the Daily Beast today:

More conspiracy theories will take hold as Trump fights for his political life. “Whether or not the narrative is true almost doesn’t matter anymore,” says Stan. “The right wing will flood the zone and the base will swallow it hook, line, and sinker. And the political reporters will feel compelled to write about it. It’s just about getting the narrative out there.”

And getting the voters to throw up their hands in disgust. That’s the response Trump wants. That’s how he wins.

The screaming will increase in duration and intensity as the base feels cornered, and their grand dreams are stripped away from them by merciless reality.

Will they tool up & start shooting those they blame for this? Almost assuredly.