
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

zombie2/13/2009 7:33:28 pm PST

re: #365 Charles

Tom McClintock is connected to the Christian Reconstructionist movement:


Say what?!?!?

Like I said, I never investigated his actual political views, I just liked his personality.

Arianna was certifiably insane; Arnold was a shallow bozo; Bustamente was a sleazy currupt slimeball; and Gray Davis was utterly incompetent. Who else was there to vote for?

But Charles, look more carefully at that article. In it, McClintock says,

“McClintock, who employs Stoos as his deputy campaign manager and until recently paid him $93,720 a year as his top legislative analyst, said in an interview last week that he was unaware of Stoos’ writings.

Any evidence or links that McClintock himself personally said he wants to legislate religion?