
Overnight Open Thread

KenJen6/01/2009 6:16:22 am PDT

re: #395 _RememberTonyC

the quote at the top of the thread got me to thinking. what are the real “game changers” that we can focus on. this country has strengths that others do not have, so we have the best chance to come up with it.

I think the number one game changer would be an energy fluid that can be created and produced that can be adapted to our current automobile standards. Imagine our influence if we could provide something like this to the world. We could sell it much cheaper than the OPEC crew sells its oil. They could drink their oil and choke on it.

I’m no scientist, so this may be impossible. But that would change the world and cut the balls off places like iran, the head choppers in riyadh, and venezuela to name a few.

How about nuclear power? Electric cars can work but not with our current power grid situation. If the Obama admin were really serious about reducing carb admissions they would look a nuclear energy.