
Poll: Was Palin's Resignation a Smart Move?

akalivas8/18/2009 3:04:21 pm PDT

re: #59 opnion

Not really, she does a Facebook posting & in less than a week a provision is removed from the Health proposal. I would say that she is relevant.

That’s my view too. She is quite relevant.
Her resigning was unconventional, but in my opinion a perfect personal and political move.

I guess that puts me in the minority camp both here and in that poll. But isn’t that poll 2 weeks old? before Sarah’s Facebook postings and the political reaction? I may be mixing up my polls, but I think this is a poll “held” on purpose to maximize Palin’s negatives. There are a number of other reputable polls that indicate that Palin’s favorables have been quite good since she resigned.

BTW, I’m new here. And yes, I’m a huge Palin fan. She’s by far my favorite former/future? politician and I hope that she continues to speak up and support smart, small, accountable government. I don’t particularly mind if she does that as a regular citizen or as the President of the United States.

I know this site is lukewarm to Palin but I’ve pledged to “play nice” and so I’ll do my best to not be an annoying Sarah-dule. I trust you all will let me know if I do go overboard.