
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

Dark_Falcon12/12/2009 8:48:09 pm PST

re: #390 Cato the Elder

I am reminded of Will Rogers’s solution to the problem of German submarines during World War II.

“It’s simple,” he said. “All you have to do is boil the ocean. Now, I’ve given you the answer, you gentlemen get to work and figure out the details.”

Get solar to the point where it can replace coal for lighting cities, running factories and other things that many people consider essential, and you will have accomplished something major.

I’ve given you the solution, folks. Get to work.

He would have said that in reference to WWI, Cato. Will Rogers died before WWII began. His son, Will Jr., was a Congressman at the start of the war, then resigned to join the Army. Bill Rogers (as Will Jr preferred to be called) commanded a platoon of M10 Tank Destroyers during the Battle of the Bulge.