
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

RogueOne3/04/2010 2:41:10 pm PST

re: #402 Obdicut

I can never tell if you’re being serious or not when you do things like call me a statist and say I hate the first amendment. It’s so ludicrously untrue.

You’re highly concerned with citizens interactions with the police. In every decision I’m aware off, Thomas has sided with law enforcement over citizens.

I gave you a +1 because I was jokingly calling you a statist, but lets face it you do have statist leanings. You can’t help it, it’s part of liberal culture.

Find me any other justice that votes more often than Thomas in limiting federal power and for the individual over the state and I’ll drop him into second place on my good justice list. Right now that position is vacant anyway. He’s not perfect but since I know I’m never going to get an actual libertarian on the court I’ll take what I can get.