
Ahmadinejad Declares Victory in Iran Election

Cato the Elder6/12/2009 7:09:12 pm PDT

I can’t speak for Charles, of course, but I’m betting - given his recent request that people stop referring to Obama as “Hussein” - that he’s almost as sick as I am of the childish name-calling that all too often passes for political commentary around here.

It really drags the level down to that of DKos or the Freepers.

I’m talking about all the oh-so-clever monikers for the President like

The Teleprompter Jesus
The Zero

et cetera perge perge ad nauseam that add so much to our understanding of his strengths and weaknesses.

If something bad had happened to President Bush, people here would rightly have blamed the insane miasmas of BDS for making it possible, at least in part.

We should ask ourselves what we would say if God forfend some version of von Brunn gets through to Barack Obama.

That is all.