
Gadget of the Day: Roomba Vacuuming Robot

austin_blue8/15/2009 11:19:46 pm PDT

re: #393 Bagua

What you’ve said is far too logical to expect to save us from the impending doom.

Hey, Bagua, I trained in school as a petroleum geologist. Flew jets in the AF after. Worked the oil field until 1990 and went into environmental geology because I got dead tired of the boom and bust oil field life.

Now I wear a beeper as a first responder and keep things from blowing up (so far, so good). I’m a licensed Professional Geoscientist, and I’ve been around the block a few times. I’m also a life member of the Sierra Club and I vehemently disagree with their attitude on nuclear power generation. It is no time for half measures. cap and trade simply must be instituted to get the ball rolling.