
Avengers #24, January 1966

jamesfirecat8/09/2010 10:41:04 pm PDT

re: #344 Dark_Falcon

Ring of the Lizard King

This ring has a large green emerald, with two rows of small diamonds running across it like stitching on a football.

Power: This ring increases the damage done by the wearer to Stalker Wraiths, Wingnuts, Trolls, and anyother minion of Dorkus by 50%. It may also be used twice (only once per adventure), to summon an Aspect of the Lizard King, who will aid the players for 5 turns. The Aspect’s stats are below:

Aspect of the Lizard King

Level 50 Brilliant Blog Host and Musician (The real Lizard King is Level 500)

Armor: Plate of truth and honesty, immune to any attacks from nutcases enemies and malfactors. Only fact-based attacks have any effect (and even then, the Lizard King’s careful study of the facts will generally allow him to parry the blow).


Great Music: The Lizard King plays a great new song either with his guitar, or with an image he conjures. Either way, 20 points of damage is undone from any Good-Aligned character.

Banish: Can be used once per turn to send any one Evil character to the Fever Swamp, never to return. Cannot be used against Level 25 characters or higher (this is to prevent the Aspect from simply banishing a ‘Big Bad’).


Lesser Ban Hammer: Automatically destroys any Evil character below level 20. Any above level 20 take 5D20 damage.

Clue-by-Four: 6D10 Damage, and counts as a Fact-Based Attack automatically.

Special (effects against Dorkus and any manifestations of him):

Any creature killed by the Lesser Ban Hammer becomes a Stalker Wraith the whines alongside Dorkus. Any manifestation of Dorkus (including Dorkus himself) that catches sight of the Aspect of the Lizard King immediately suffers 20 pain points to the butt, scream with butthurt rage and charges full tilt at the Lizard King, only to be easily defeated. The defeat causes Dorkus to post a Pathetic Screed. If the Ring of the Lizard King is purchased, when the player puts it on, a bright red mark in the shape of a man’s bicycle cleat appears on the butt of the statue of Dorkus.

Hey wasn’t it Linkara of Atop the fourth wall who came up with the phrase “clue by four” or is it used a lot here also?