
Donald Trump Jr. Retweets Notorious White Supremacist Antisemite Kevin MacDonald

Sir John Barron8/31/2016 6:41:29 am PDT

On the continuing voter prevention in NC, today’s NYT has this:

He was referring to a proposal by the board’s two Republicans to allow 106.5 hours of early voting before the Nov. 8 election — less than a quarter of the time allowed in the 2012 presidential election — and to limit early balloting to a single polling place in the county seat of a largely rural eastern North Carolina county that sprawls over 403 square miles.

In a county where Democrats outnumber Republicans by better than two to one, and four in 10 voters are black, the election plan limits voting to a single weekend day, and on weekdays demands that residents, including those who are poor and do not own cars, make long trips to cast a ballot.

Republicans, who wrote and passed the 2013 law and control all 100 county election boards, deny the rules reflect anything inappropriate.

Are there any NC Lizards among us who can help explain this—Republicans control all 100 county election boards? Does the State appoint each county’s election boards? I would expect they’d be elected separately by each county. And to read that counties where Dems outnumber GOP 2-1, the GOP still controls its election board is kind of mind-boggling.