
Snowe: 'Ideological Purity Is Not the Ticket Back'

tgibson19624/29/2009 5:40:56 pm PDT

re: #395 Salamantis

Moderates joined Reagan because he refused to try to push soconism on them.


From the 1980 Republican platform:


There can be no doubt that the question of abortion, despite the complex nature of its various issues, is ultimately concerned with equality of rights under the law. While we recognize differing views on this question among Americans in general—and in our own Party—we affirm our support of a constitutional amendment to restore protection of the right to life for unborn children. We also support the Congressional efforts to restrict the use of taxpayers’ dollars for abortion.

We protest the Supreme Court’s intrusion into the family structure through its denial of the parent’s obligation and right to guide their minor children.

Strong Families

The family is the foundation of our social order. It is the school of democracy. Its daily lessons—cooperation, tolerance, mutual concern, responsibility, industry—are fundamental to the order and progress of our Republic.


Next to religious training and the home, education is the most important means by which families hand down to each new generation their ideals and beliefs. It is a pillar of a free society. But today, parents are losing control of their children’s schooling.

Family protection

In view of the continuing efforts of the present Administration to define and influence the family through such federally funded conferences as the White House Conference on Families, we express our support for legislation protecting and defending the traditional American family against the ongoing erosion of its base in our society.

And from the Prologue:

And so, in this 1980 Republican Platform, we call out to the American people: With God’s help, let us now, together, make America great again; let us now, together, make a new beginning.

Too bad Reagan didn’t have Olympia Snowe…