
Freak-Out of the Day

Bloodnok9/02/2009 1:18:34 pm PDT

Amazing levels of paranoia. When I was a kid there was a photograph of the current President (Reagan, then GHW Bush) in the office of my school and in some classrooms.

Some of us (gasp) even looked up to the President and we talked about what the President did for his job. We didn’t understand the political side of what Reagan was doing, and if it had been mentioned to us we wouldn’t have cared.

We learned about the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and the President’s Challenge and it was integrated into our Phys Ed curriculum. And we knew damned well who the President was at the time. It did not destroy our minds, make us all Reaganbots/Bushbots or turn us into personality cultists.

It’s okay for kids to know who the President is or even to like him.