
Onion: Obama Home Teleprompter Malfunctions

jaunte11/17/2009 9:33:22 pm PST

re: #395 Dark_Falcon

Agreed on that point, but trying these bastards in federal court is still a grave mistake.

Interesting related article:

How thinking of terrorists as pirates can help win the war on terror.

there are immediate benefits to pointing out that terrorism has a precedent in piracy. In the short term, it is a tool to cut the Gordian knot of definition that has hampered antiterrorist legislation for 40 years. In the long term, and far more important, it provides the parameters by which to understand this current and intense conflict and the means within which it may one day be resolved. That resolution will begin with the recognition among nations that terrorism is a threat to all states and to all persons, the same recognition given to piracy in 1856. Terrorists, like pirates, must be given their proper status in law: hostis humani generis, enemies of the human race.