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lawhawk5/03/2010 6:46:44 pm PDT

Oh, I enjoyed the eye candy of the early movies - Natalie Portman rates quite highly in my book, and the fight scenes and sfx are awesome, but the story? Samuel L. Jackson ought to have taken his light sabre named bad ass mfer and done in Lucas the moment that it was midichlorians when he had the chance.

He should have taken a pair of pliers and a blowtorch to the damned prophesy that “the one” will bring balance to the force.

The dialog is cringe worthy, but none worse than hearing that Padme lost the frakking will to live.

Lost the will to live? With billions of dollars in medtech available, they can’t sustain her until she realizes that Aniken was bad jobu and that her kids will save the universe from her domestic abusing husband?