
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

yasharki11/16/2010 4:52:55 pm PST

re: #388 Dreggas

“At some clubs they pat you down before letting you in.” - Would you rather have someone tripping on who knows what drunk off their ass waving a loaded pistol around while in the club?

“we stared down the soviets” - More like soviet economy collapsed being based on utopian and outright false theories, so ussr had no choice but to dissolve and attempt to join the western world by embracing their own perverted version of capitalism.

“beat the nazis” - this title can be claimed by at least three countries together, with help of others, but not by US alone.

“What is required is vigilence by travellers and airliners.” - Your vigilence will not help detect a loaded pistol being carried on a plane.

Is this guy a regular?