
Why Do the Media Ignore the GOP's Problems with Science?

chunkymonkey10/20/2011 11:41:01 am PDT

re: #407 LudwigVanQuixote

Your analysis is not compelling, sorry. The tornado paper to which you link shows that tornado frequency is currently decreasing, which is the opposite of what is supposedly predicted. Also, if you look at the last chart, it shows at worst no change in “Days with a tornado fatality per year” and at best a decline. Shouldn’t this be the opposite if the predictions are correct.

As for Hurricanes, the data I’ve seen doesn’t show an increase in intensity or frequency that correlates with global temperature increase.

The rest of the info you provide is either anectodal and therefore not useful, or howlers like the following:

“The nation is increasingly vulnerable to extreme weather,” said Dr.
Lubchenco, who sought emphatically to link that vulnerability to the importance of financing for NOAA.

So Dr. Lubchenco’s bread is buttered by the supposedly increasing vulnerability to extreme weather. How convenient.