
Video: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Visits Occupy Wall Street

Guanxi8811/04/2011 6:49:34 pm PDT

re: #373 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Christ knows how many dumb bigots on the internet yap about their black best friends and gay best friends, and they’re talking about me e_e

Are you my gay black friend? Is that you, Marcus?re: #383 Obdicut

You say I dodged, I say you missed, the point.

The state of war exists, internally and externally, in all states. Measures wholly suited to another time and place have resulted in the deaths of those not directly implicated in the actions the end of which was sought by the use of lethal violence. (Dresden). Given that standards have changed, and that some who participated in the raid may yet be alive, and that murder has not statute of limitations, why do you not advocate charges be brought against them?

Answer: Their actions were appropriate, lawful, and necessary. They used the minimum of force necessary to achieve their objectives, and did not intentionally seek the deaths of innocents.

Police obtain evidence of guilt, a prosecutor presents it to a jury, duly empaneled, and a judge oversees the case. A conviction follows, with the sentence set at death. The condemned is executed, but subsequent evidence shows him to have not commited the crime. Which officer, prosecutor, judge, or juror, then, is culpable? Whom should we punish in such a case?

You demand a standard of perfection unattainable in human institutions, and therefore, you are content with a punishment that is, at worst, confinement until such time as the convict shall have aged or gained a sufficient number of sympathetic NPR types to petition for his release.