
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Not Interested in Food, Just Violence

Nerdy Fish8/03/2022 7:11:17 am PDT

re: #402 No Malarkey!

Which is a stupid issue reflecting lack of knowledge in the electorate. Late term abortions are very rare, and usually only occur due to serious medical issues. Women don’t carry pregnancies for months so that they can have a late term abortion for the hell of it. Democrats should focus on the Republicans wanting to ban all abortions, from the moment of conception, nationwide. Put the Republicans on the defensive.

While we all here agree with this, and understand it, the fact is, we need to work with the electorate we have, not the electorate we want. We can work hard to put the message out there that all that is true; but most important is to hit the message where voters understand it. We don’t have years to change hearts and minds about what we mean when we say we want safe and legal abortions; we have a month, maybe two, to persuade people not to vote for the fucksticks who want to force 10-year-old girls to give birth to their rapists’ babies and who don’t give a shit if a woman dies with her fetus because she has an ectopic pregnancy. Focus on the consequences of what those total abortion bans mean. Women WILL die because of this; I have little doubt some already have.