
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Gagged

Cato the Elder1/27/2009 6:36:54 pm PST

Thank God for this, and good on you, SSPX and Vatican!

I’m currently readying an excerpt from a book I helped translate (which came up today for very different reasons on an earlier thread) about the genocidal legal system behind Nazi atrocities. If anyone takes the time to look at it, it forever demolishes any shred of a defense that people at the highest levels of Hitler’s regime “didn’t know what was being done in their name”, or any nonsense of that kind.

Unfortunately I have to retype it by hand because Amazon won’t let you copy from their excerpts, but if anyone wants to read the page in question now, just click on the book link, enter the word “alcoholism” in the “Search” feature, and select the reference to page 191. This book deals with the treatment of all “non-Germans” or “foreign peoples” (German Fremdvlkische), so it also puts to rest the idea that the Nazis were partial in their abuse of anyone not a member of the Herrenvolk. Their first targets were of course Jews, Communists, gays, Gypsies, the mentally defective and others, but their ultimate goal was to reduce all the people in the conquered Eastern territories to the status of helots or slaves and then gradually eliminate anyone who wasn’t useful in that role. It was a well-thought-out, entirely rational (from their standpoint) and most of all completely legally defined and codified program of inhumanity.

The book is over one thousand pages long, and unfortunately costs a small fortune, but anyone here interested in reading it can probably get it from a good library or inter-library loan.

As for Williamson, I’d like to punish him by making him read it out loud, or, if he refused, forcing him to eat it, page by page.