
Who Cares About a Dead Lemur?

HoosierHoops5/21/2009 5:10:19 pm PDT

re: #387 CapeCoddah

Hey Walter, you like “Lost”… I did a job 2 summers ago for Emilie de Raven when she came to the Cape to do a photoshoot for J C Penny. Spent 3 days ferrying her and her now ex husband around. I got her autograph, (not sure why I asked) but you are welcome to it if you wish. E-Mail me if you want it. It has been sitting on my desk for 2 years in a pile of papers.

Wow! Too Cool!
It’s funny when you met famous people..You just don’t know what to expect..
I met Jesse Owens as a child and he was just bigger than life..My jaw was glued to the floor for weeks..
I met Barbara Eden at a Charity Event..That Women is so tiny..And I mean shockingly little in person..So small..I think Bart Starr as a kid was the nicest person I ever met…He sat and just talked to me..His smile lite up the room..Really cool guy…