
Video: Israel and Lebanon Battle Over a Tree

McSpiff8/03/2010 2:58:58 pm PDT

re: #392 researchok

I understand your frustration.

Still, as far as the UN goes, the case is clear and concise. When it comes to Israel the UN record is not only atrocious but shameless as well. That Israel has been condemned more times than any other nation is outrageous. The track record of murder, corruption, human rights violations and tyranny by her accusers, some of the most failed and dysfunctional nations on earth bears testimony to that.

That UN allows these nations credible and equal voices (that express racism, bigotry and hate and call for extermination and genocide) in the condemnation of a real democratic state is a shame they will have to bear for a very long time.

You won’t ever hear me defend the UN’s track record on Israel. Nor will I defend “Peace keeping” missions like what we’re discussing here. At best it should be made clear that these forces are purely observers or they should be removed.