
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

Escaped Hillbilly8/22/2010 6:25:00 pm PDT

Is it their right to build the mosque, or religious center, anywhere they can buy the land and that is zoned for such things? Yes. Does it make sense to build it in the neighborhood where such a huge tragedy occurred and about which so much emotion is stirred? No. Do people have the right to voice their dissatisfaction with this situation and try to sway others to their position even by peaceful demonstrations? Yes. Should they gather in large angry mobs to rant at people who have little to do with the matter as if it will change anyone’s mind and use racially tainted arguments? No.
People are always confusing what is legal with what is moral, and what is permitted with what is encouraged.
I tried to make such a point on the Yahoo boards and got down dinged repeatedly…by both sides judging by the replies. Such emotional issues bring out the extremists who will not let you agree with them unless you tag your comments with hate speech and death threats. When will I learn?