
GOP Debates Continue Tormenting Nation, Part 2

albusteve11/23/2011 8:13:02 am PST

re: #407 Dragon_Lady

Perhaps a banning of pepper spray usage during protests should be implemented? For heavens sake, this is a American right being exercised, our country was founded on such protests! Hence the “Boston Tea Party”! Campus police and police who work for the city should only use force if extreme violence breaks out, anything else is fascist and inappropriate under the circumstances. They should not be allowed to carry anything worse that a baton during this type of action. This whole thing is distasteful and I’m not sure how much longer John Q. Public will tolerate this kind of behavior on the part of the police. If riots break out again I’m gonna barricade myself in our apartment and hide!

a baton is a serious, lethal weapon….I’d rather be sprayed than pounded with a club anyday