
2012 Democratic National Convention: Day One, Thread Three, Michelle Obama Edition

Dark_Falcon9/05/2012 6:42:01 am PDT

re: #407 Big Steve

agreed….obviously no one can say a single negative about the President around here without being accused of being a racist. I believe President Obama to be a decent intelligent person. I disagree strongly with his policies and treatment of the space program. In his first year in office, when every government agency was getting budget increases due to the stimulus package, the only program he chose to cut was NASA.

That’s not really true normally. I’ve often criticized Obama here without being called a racist. But the fact is that many Democrats and their media supporters have been banging the “code words and dog whistles” drum far harder than they should this year, to the point where references to Chicago are “code words” according to Chris Matthews. As a result, some Dem. supporters have gotten a bit trigger-happy and have claimed things as code words that really aren’t such.

The preceding paragraph should not be read as an argument that such code words do not in fact exist at all. Newt Gingrich’s comment that Barack Obama is a “food stamp president” was a valid example of code word/dog whistle usage.