
Police Run Amok in Ferguson While Gov. Jay Nixon Prays, Meets With 4H Club

GunstarGreen8/13/2014 9:04:20 pm PDT

re: #37 allegro

The Whole World’s Watching.

I remember so vividly watching in 1968-69. I remember the burn of the tear gas in my eyes and lungs in Grant Park, Chicago after a mysterious bottle was thrown turning a protest suddenly “unpeaceful”. Can’t believe the lessons we thought were learned have been so completely forgotten and now with even greater force and more deadly tools. WTF is this tomorrow morning shit? Blood is flowing tonight. Now. Fuck.

The lessons were not “learned” because those involved had no desire to learn them.

What is happening in Ferguson is the wet dreams of every Conservative gathering website come true. Courageous white Christians beating back the savage colored hordes.