
About Former CBS News Reporter Sharyl Attkisson's Ridiculous "Hacking" Video

Skip Intro11/01/2014 10:38:53 am PDT

First they went after Orly Taitz, then Butterdezillion, and now Atkinson.

All your keyboards belong to us.

(In case you haven’t been following the harrowing adventures of Butterbutt at the hands of The Regime, here’s the latest:

Thanks for the summary. A bunch of excuses and promises that he will infect us all, sounds like.

The quy’s not coordinated enouqh to keep relief fliqhts qoinq into Africa while stoppinq fliqhts oriqinatinq in Africa from cominq here.

Can he even walk and chew qum at the same time?

Note that The Regime has diabolically changed her “g” key to a “q”, apparently without her even noticing.