
Elizabeth Warren Will Skip Netanyahu's Speech

Decatur Deb3/02/2015 6:56:52 pm PST

re: #38 ObserverArt

The only positive I’ve seen out of the GOP since the late 80s is they have shown we have a big problem in our country with religion and bigotry in many forms creeping into our politics either for the first time or coming back with a vengeance (bigotry).

Sometimes positives can be in negatives. Now, the big challenge is how long will it continue until someone in the GOP finally grow a spine and kicks the Tea Party and neo conservative Bircher-type thinking out before there is no GOP left to save.

One reason we haven’t seen anything in decades is we haven’t seen a true Republican party in decades. They lost the plot and decided to go with fringe instead of center.

Rush Limbaugh has been around…for decades. Hmmm.

Alternate take: This is the true face of reaction, lodged in the GOP since they pushed out the TR progressives. The post-FDR accomodation to reality was the aberration.