
Jon Stewart on Fire: Fox News and Their Constant Poor-Bashing

KerFuFFler5/15/2015 12:19:56 pm PDT

I’m glad Varney got singled out as one of the worst offenders. One of our friends was on Varney’s show defending his research that shows that luck is an important ingredient for success even for talented and hard working people. Varney was all insulted that Robert Frank believed that luck played a part in Varney’s success. But Varney undercut his own argument going on and on about the risks he had taken to achieve professional success. Too bad Varney is too stupid to realize that taking risks means you were lucky if you ended up with a happy outcome.

Frank got in one really good dig at Varney though. “I reviewed some footage before coming down. I would say, respectfully, that you consider the possibility that you’re very lucky.”

These conservative douche wads are heavily invested in the notion that success is an indicator of personal virtue while poverty reveals a lack of character and ability.