
And Now, Santorum Enters the Clown Car

Eclectic Cyborg5/27/2015 11:57:43 am PDT

If the GOP had any sense they’d cap the number of people allowed to run for the nomination. After X people have declared, let the rest run as independents or Libertarians or whatever.

It would almost be funny if it wasn’t so stupid and AVOIDABLE.

The GOP are going full steam ahead down the same track that ultimately produced Mitt Romney and a disastrous General in 2012.

It’s the same problem: All the GOP candidates pile in the clown car and desperately try to out crazy one another to win the nomination, pissing off everyone who ISN’T a white Republican (and some who are) in the process.

Thus, they end up totally fucked in the general when they have to run back to the center to try and sway “independents” and “moderates”. Those groups mostly won’t buy into the GOP bullshit and the efforts to reach out to them will even alienate some of the GOP base who see their chosen candidate suddenly become “not Conservative enough to win”.

I don’t even have a degree or experience in politics and I can see this shit coming a mile away. You’d think the GOP advisers could too, yet here we are on the cusp of yet another wingnut battle royale that will result a winner who has no chance of winning the White House short of a miracle

Like I said, it would almost be funny if it wasn’t so damned sad.

Remember, this is one of the two MAJOR POLITICAL PARTIES in the country doing this!