
Hilarious Short Film of the Day: Matt Jones in "Love Seat"

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge6/17/2015 6:03:25 pm PDT

re: #39 Archangelus

Just took the 2016 I Side With poll, got Bernie Sanders 92%, Hillary Clinton 81% and O’Malley 63%…

…and yet under “Candidates you side with by issue”, i get:

“Foreign Policy
I side with Ben Carson on most foreign policy issues”

My reaction, as most of you here could imagine:

[Embedded content]

I side with Bernie Sanders 96%, Hillary Clinton 86%, Martin O’Malley 65%, All the Rethugs are in the 20s and below—-Rubio at 1%!

Of course, I only side with myself 98% according to them. I guess that’s what they call “Margin of Error”?