
Donald Trump Raging at Megyn Kelly After She Calls Him Out for Ugly Misogyny

jamesfirecat8/07/2015 12:08:26 pm PDT

re: #35 danarchy

frankly I think that is one of the more defensible positions for pro-lifers.

If they are both going to die it is basically just triage to save the one with the best chance.

That is if you accept the asinine beginning assumption that an embryo=person to begin with.

Honestly most people I’ve seen who debate abortion are in such a rush to declare the Fetus/Embryo/what have you a person with all human rights that they no real response to the violinist argument that gives them those rights, then point out that my “I have a right to keep my own organs sacrosanct” trumps your “but I’ll die without your X” any day of the week.

///Unless for some reason the people putting forward those arguments for some reason don’t think women deserve the same right as men not to have our kidney’s donated without our permission… but that couldn’t be it…