
Sunday Jam: Bill Laurance, "Money in the Desert"

HRH Stanley Sea4/10/2016 4:07:03 pm PDT

Sooooo. Someone posted a link a few days ago - an essay of someone who left scientology. I cannot even remember who the apostate was.

But it has led me down the rabbit hole. I’ve been reading The Underground Bunker - and clicking every link & reading on.

I just watched Going Clear.

Obviously a cult, a verrrry rich cult. Breaking up the family is as crucial as getting the money.

A couple who were disconnected from their two adult children recently raised money & paid for a billboard by Dodger Stadium:

Other thoughts: I’m amazed that the IRS in the 80’s backed down & let them be a church. I mean they really backed down.

I’m one who never really read much about it, so these last few days have really been an eye opener.

Carry on.