
Seth Meyers: Trump Keeps Showing Us Who He Really Is

The Ghost of a Flea8/16/2017 11:26:19 pm PDT

re: #30 JordanRules

No boss wants an employee who might drag the company into a liability situation. And white supremacy ranks pretty high on the “will probably do something stupid resulting in a lawsuit” scale.

If it were my business and I found an employee attending WS meetings and events:

I could not trust them to handle customers as a salesperson or representative;
I could not trust them to make food or handle food;
I could not trust them to handle money or sensitive information, or administer care;
I could not trust them to be consistent in their workmanship or care of purchased goods;

…because it is inevitable that someone using my services will fall into a group that they act out against. They might not do anything another shitty employee might do…but the “ideology” they espouse guarantees that shittiness will out.

And that is before the problem of damage to reputation and loss of traffic because my target consumers also can’t trust the white supremacist.

That’s the consequence of not just especially stupid behavior in public, but belonging to a group that deliberately engages in pageantry to express the scale and whim inherent in their contempt.