
Just Another Insanely Great Orchestral Jam at Some Guy's House: Louis Cole, "F It Up"

can't think of a decent username10/31/2018 8:15:19 pm PDT

re: #33 Targetpractice

I’m plunking my chip down now: The DNC wins the House, loses the Senate, and wins enough gubernatorial races to put the fear of God in the GOP. Donny claims “victory” in keeping the Senate, while blaming the party leadership for the loss of the House and “can’t lose” races at the state and local levels. Pundits claim the whole thing’s a wash because the DNC failed to win the Senate, insisting that winning the House alone doesn’t really mean anything, and that Donny will be set to run in 2020 against “The Party of No.”

I’m thinking much more pessimistically. I think Russian meddling, vote suppression, and outright corruption by Republican secretaries of state will swing things hard for the Republicans.

I think this way partly because it’s foolish to expect the best, partly as psychic defense — I remember being optimistic in 2016, when the election results sent us all into an emotional tailspin. Expect the worst, and you’ll be ready for the worst — and if the worst doesn’t happen, you’ll be pleasantly surprised for once.