
Some More News: A Timeline of Perfectly Normal Events and Behavior, No Need to Look Into This Any Further [VIDEO]

KGxvi4/02/2019 12:29:40 pm PDT

re: #38 Teddy’s Person

They’re in the way of his awesome deal making. If it weren’t for that pesky Judiciary Branch, he and Congress could pound out a deal in 45 mintues.

Edit: Here’s the quote

Trump argued that the U.S. immigration system “is absolutely maxed out.”

“And what we have to do is Congress has to meet quickly and make a deal,” the president insisted. “I could do it in 45 minutes. We need to get rid of chain migration, we need to get rid of catch and release and visa lottery and we have to do something about asylum and to be honest with you, I have to get rid of judges.”

Trump did not explain how it intends to “get rid of judges.”

He likely means immigration judges, who are administrative law judges and not what most people think of when they say “judges”.

As for everything else, he’s basically talking about ending immigration as we know it in the United States. And doing it in 45 minutes is a joke.