
A Deep Cut From Regina Spektor: "Loveology" (Live w/ Seth Meyers)

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines6/30/2019 1:53:41 pm PDT

Sheesh! Age can be blamed for everything. Every time I notice a typo in something I’ve written, I have a very brief impulse to worry that it might be attributable to my advanced age. Then I remember that I made the same kinds of errors when I was young. Then I feel bad at the lack of improvement over 50 years of practice.

Otoh, age can serve as a ready made excuse for practically anything. Every foul-up, slip-up, brain-fart, and dumb mistake can be blamed on age. When you’re 25, the reaction to such things is likely to be “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? DID YOUR BRAINS FALL OUT?”
Now, at 70, it’s more like, “There, there, it’s all good. Here, sit by the fire and have some milk and cookies.”
I guess we’ve earned it.