
New From Seth Meyers: Trump and Texas File New Election Lawsuit After Supreme Court Rejection

weststpaulbear12/09/2020 8:58:56 pm PST

re: #28 William Lewis

Eventually I want to get to the point where I can print and mount my photos to try and sell them to the tourist trade up here in Northern Wisconsin.

In the meantime, I want to get some prints done to experiment with gifts and possibly testing the selling waters. Iā€™m especially interested in up to 16x20 as the Epson P900 Iā€™m looking at takes 17ā€ rolls.

Does anyone have a preferred printing service? While there is a Walgreens just down the street, I donā€™t think they do as big a print as I hope to go and the last time I tried to get a square print done there, well, letā€™s just say they didnā€™t understandā€¦.


Are you in enough of a tourist area that there are art galleys around? The gallery manager might be able to steer you to someone.