
Texas Creationist School Board Chairman Gets the Boot

stonemason4/30/2009 9:29:00 pm PDT

So maybe cooler heads are begining to prevail, this is a good sign. Now, when will the ‘moderate’ leftists reign in the loons over there? I do not see the President denouncing the desires of the move-on types to prosecute former administrations officials for keeping us safe.

Politicians like Jindal and Perry are a direct result of the insanity on the left, we humans are creatures of extremeism, left followed by right followed by left, pendulum swings.

Science wins in this case, as it should, but when will science win in the climate change ‘debate’, or is it settled, a consensus, and not to be questioned?

Extremes, on both sides, but right right now the left holds the floor, so those extremes are not seen as such, and with each passing day, those extremes are percieved as less extreme while the extremes on the right seem even more outlandish.

Ii is impossible to argue that as a Nation we have moved left from inception on, and will continue to do so until such time as necessary for another change, another watering of the tree of liberty, it is just cyclical history cycling.