
Another view of manhood from the far right - and the stalkers....

Gus10/26/2010 7:02:30 pm PDT

Here’s a classic rant from Rodan:

My ancestors foght [sic] our invaders, yours was enslaved for 600 years, that makes me and my people superior to yours. I am a Latin/Roman Christian maybe you don’t understand, but coming from someone who’s ancestors have only been reading and writer a couple hundred years as ooposed [sic] to 1,000’s I can understand your lack of comprehession [sic].

I rose up the ranks in the Latin Kings. I pain my dues on the streets. Raed [sic] about how you rise in the ranks Yopu [sic] White Trash Bostonian. Hint, it;’s not drink Beer and talking crap like you Barbaric cowardly loud mouth White Trash do it. I did things I can’t discuss here but let’s just say I have blood on my hands

What do you have to say about those Drunk White Trash Red Sox fans run over by a car? I also confirmed the Driver was a Latin Queen, that’s our female affiliates. ANother [sic] loss for you drunk Inbred low class Whites! Ha! — Rick Martinez, Blogmocracy