
Limbaugh on Birth Control: 'We're Supposed to Pay if She Didn't Close Her Legs'

The Spite House4/08/2011 1:56:36 pm PDT

re: #38 Opal

Yeah, let’s make it a law that women keep their “legs shut” unless they are planning to reproduce. I’m good with that. I’m not sure how men will deal with it, but heck, it would solve so many problems. Sorry guys, no sex unless your female partner is trying to get pregnant. No recreational sex at all - none - not even a little quickie. Oh, and if you should fail to control yourself and/or persuade your woman to have sex, and she becomes pregnant, you get castrated. After all, how can we pass all the burden of birth control solely onto women?

Before long Congress will pass legislation subsidizing the purchase of Fleshlights for all male Americans.

Please don’t Google that if you don’t know what it is.