
God Tells Mike Huckabee to Warm Up in the Bullpen

garhighway9/30/2011 1:42:43 pm PDT

re: #34 lostlakehiker

As to Palin’s chances being shot, Republicans aren’t anywhere near as exercised about interracial marriage as you seem to think. Who’s their hero on the SC? Justice Thomas, married to a white woman. And if I needed more examples, they wouldn’t be that hard to find. Bill O’Reilly, married to an Asian. Phil Gramm, married to an Asian. Palin’s chances are shot but it has much more to do with the fact that she can’t make a clean kill of a moose than it does to do with her youthful love life. And more yet to do with the fact that she can’t say anything coherent about national political issues.

Agree. They love Sarah, and she’s been around long enough that the smell of crazy has faded a little. It’s like new car smell that way.

If she got in, she’d be right there for the nomination. It would be her, Perry and Romney. (Perry has legs because he can raise money.)