
Whatever Happened to Global Warming? (A: Right Wing Anti-Science Bad Craziness)

SidewaysQuark10/16/2011 6:37:06 pm PDT

re: #17 garhighway

Evening, all.

This is just one of the GOP’s counterfactual Greatest Hits. For my money, the top five are:

1. AGW isn”t real.
2. Evolution is “just a theory”.
3. Birth control = abortion.
4. The problem with the economy is that the rich aren’t rich enough, so we needn’t concern ourselves with the demand side of things.
5. We are experiencing a voter fraud epidemic.

And this isn’t the extremes. Pretty much each GOP Presidential candidate has, at one time or another, signed on to all of these.

you forgot:

Jesus can cure “teh gay”