
Village Voice: Pamela Geller's War (of Bigotry and Hatred)

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/29/2012 10:52:08 am PST

Following one extreme with another isn’t the answer and that’s why Geller is such a revolting person and a fanatic. Look at who she associates with in Europe, neo-Nazis. I know the dangers of radical Islam. I grew up not that far from the Pentagon and I’ve had friends that have served in the military in the post 9/11 Days. What I oppose is the attempt by Geller and her allies to make every Muslim to out to be a jihadist. It’s a sickening thing to do and it comes from the worst excesses of American scapegoating going back to the interment of the Japanese during WWII or the conspiracy mongreling about Catholic and Jewish immigrants last century. And I’ll say it bluntly but the anti-Shariah industry in this country is a bullshit sham. Most of the states banning Shariah law are states that even if their Muslim population doubled would still have a small percentage of Muslims. Geller insinuates that this president is secretly implementing Shariah Law. This is a president who loves his pork sandwiches and quite frankly and I use the term lovingly is probably our biggest beer snob ever to be president. There’s a way to combat radical Islam and Pamela Geller and her allies’ way is not the way to do it.